For Your Binder

The Shaving Cream Article

This was first in a bunch of articles written in 2006 affectionally referred to as The Taboo Topics. Revised in 2022, you might find this one to be valuable the next time the topic of using shaving cream comes up! #play #teaching 

Fairplay: Childhood Beyond Brands

Fairplay (formerly Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood) is an independent voice standing up for what kids and families really need. Fairplay is committed to creating a world where kids can be kids, free from the false promises of marketers and the manipulations of Big Tech. There are tons of resources for you here via this link.  #play #DAP #parenting #screens #technology 

Meet Bruce Perry!

This link will jump you over to the collection of Bruce Perry articles housed on the Child Trauma (CT) site. CT strives to translate emerging findings about the human brain and child development into practical implications for the ways we nurture, protect, enrich, educate and heal children.  #DAP #relationships #care #teaching #learning

On children who “don’t know how to play”

When we think we meet children who “don’t know how to play”, is our assessment accurate?  Is play a skill or an instinct?  Or both? #play #playwork #teaching #learning

A Brief History of Blocks

This used to be part of the supplementary handouts for the Meet the Masters workshop which is being edited to present a more accurate (and diverse) time line of ECE influencers. The info is now embedded in the block play workshop.  Regardless, it is a good stand alone resource if you'd like a quick crash course in the history of the blocks you probably have in your program! #blocks #theorists #play #handouts #teaching

Building fine motor skills and why it matters

A short article with 10 different ways to build a child's fine and small motor skills! #DAP #play #movement #writing #teaching #learning 

Play-Based Learning Leads to School Readiness

Play and learning are deeply intertwined. Like yin and yang, play and learning are not only complementary, they are additive, the sum is always greater than their parts. #play #pushdown #DAP #learning 

How Kids Learn Resilience

This article is adapted from Paul Tough's 2016 book, Helping Children Succeed: What works and why  #teaching #learning #DAP #resilience #play

Improve Your Vocabulary With the “Wheel of Feelings”

I still believe it all comes back to either Love or Fear (meaning anything other than "love" has it's origin in "fear") but this might assist as we identify how fear might be manifesting. #DAP #teaching #learning 

Mixed Age Grouping - Why we love it!

When I first read this article in the margins I simply wrote, "This is beautiful." #DAP #play #teaching #learning #mixedages

To Food?! Or Not to Food?!?!

Whether PRO or CON - what is the intention behind your choice? Originally penned in 2006 but revised before posting here on the new website, you will find this to be a handy resource when considering the age old debate of using food in the classroom!  #play #teaching 

Neuromyth No. 3: Visual, Auditory and Haptic Learners

This page is another rabbit hole of goodness, but I specifically linked you here to the info about neuromyth 3, aka: the learning styles because while I believe ECE to some degree has been influenced by all of the myths (myself included) I tend to still see and hear this one the most.  #teaching #learning
