For Your Binder

Crisis in the Kindergarten

In spite of the fact that the vital importance of play in young children’s development has been shown in study after study, many people (still) (unfortunately) believe that play is a waste of time in school. #play #DAP #pushdown #teaching #learning

Hugs, Not Drugs

This is a bit lengthy and quite dated.  Of Note: there is no publication date provided, but it references stats from the 1990s so while I wouldn't advise quoting the numbers, the general overarching premise is timely: the wildest colts make the best horses.  Are we medicating to truly assist? Or to increase compliance within a broken system?  #teaching #learning #DAP #movement

Life After Nature Preschool: Exploring the long term effects of nature-based education

Spoiler alert - nature based preschool is a positive thing! What we need now are researchers who can test this hypothesis in ways that look beyond test scores! #play #outside #teaching #learning #forestschools #nature

The Power of Play: A research summary on play and learning

This is an impressive overview of the research collected for the Minnesota Children's Museum in 2012. Not surprisingly, White's closing comment implies that while play is under siege, we must not forget that it is play that sets the stage for a strong foundation. #play #teaching #learning #DAP #theorists

Progressive Education: Why it's hard to beat, but also hard to find

People often sneer at the idea of progressive education based on an image that has little to do with progressive education! #teaching

Conceptual split? Parents' and experts' perceptions of play in the 21st century

What say you mom?!?!!?  #DAP #play #parenting #teaching #learning

Einstein May Never Have Used Flashcards, But He Probably Built Forts: Bringing play back into the lives of children

Can you just see it? A young Einstein, wild hair flying, throwing his mother’s quilt over a couple of chairs and crawling underneath!?!?!  #nature #play #forts #dens #looseparts #outside

Rhoda Kellogg Child Art Collection Handbook

This handbook provides a nice overview and introduction to Rhoda Kellogg, children's art and the stages of scribbling. There is another resource available here on my site that allows you to search the catalog of over 7000 archived scribbles.  #art #creativity #DAP #scribbling

Human Nature of Teaching II: How hunter-gatherers taught without coercion.

This is Part II in a series by Peter Gray.  In Part I Gray defined teaching  - here in Part II he examines teaching as it occurs, or occurred, in hunter-gatherer bands. #play #teaching #learning #DAP

Why kids deserve a preschool that lets them play

A push-down curriculum isn’t helping kids to get ahead, it’s simply ignoring the critical role of the foundation. #play #DAP #parenting #pushdown #teaching #learning

The Case for Elementary School Recess

Even juries get recess!!!!!  #recess #movement #play #DAP #outside #teaching #learning

Speaking Out for Play-Based Learning: Becoming and effective advocate for play in the early childhood classroom

The first step in advocating for children's play is to clarify your own values and philosophical orientation! #play #teaching
