For Your Binder

Prologue: Why We Should Care about Caring

Caring does NOT substitute or replace learning, caring establishes an effective culture for it to actually happen. #caring #teaching #learning #relationships

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The Double-edged Sword of Pedagogy: Instruction limits spontaneous exploration and discovery

How does teaching impact exploration and discovery??? #teaching #learning 

The Arts and Staying Cool

The art of making a space for the playfulness and messiness of teaching requires courage and letting go! #learning #teaching #creativity #art

Meet Peter Gray

Here is a link to all of the amazing articles that Peter Gray puts out in support of free play and in doing what is best for children. I have put direct links to a few of them here in the resources section, but this is a link to ALL of them!  Down down down the rabbit hole you go!!  #play #teaching #learning  

The Apple Demo

This handout will teach YOU how to do The Apple Demo with a group! Why is it important? It is a very very strong visual exercise that reinforces the importance of the real in early childhood environments - NOT dittos NOT worksh*ts NOT flashcards! Memorize the steps and then take your audience through the different ways children might experience an apple. This is a great activity to do with parents at back to school night!  #handouts #DAP #teaching #learning #play #pushdown #parenting

Missed seeing Lisa demo this one? Maybe want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

A Look Back: Caring about Caring

The Phi Delta Kappan takes a look back and considers the importance of caring about caring; including an article previously shared here.  #relationships #caring #learning #teaching 

Let's Get Dirty! Why Being Too Clean Isn't Always Better

Is your child getting enough bacteria?  #play #outside #nature

Kindergarten Cram: Toss out the No. 2 pencils and let them play

This article begs the question, why are we so hellbent on, "bigger! better! faster! sooner! now!" ?? #DAP #play #pushdown #teaching #learning #parenting     

Disclosure: if you have been waiting for a "good reason" to subscribe to the NYT to access some of the articles I post, this might just be it.

Hand-Clap Songs Across the Curriculum

While I am not sure you will need to plan a hand-clap lesson, the first part of the article provides a nice quick overview of some of the history of hand-clap games as well as connection between hand-clap songs and literacy. #DAP #play #recess #songs #playground

The public playground paradox: "child's joy" or heterotopia of fear?

Is the playground a community within a community? How do we familiarize children with their community while also making sure the community is familiar with children, their presence and their play?   #playgrounds #play #outside

Why kids deserve a preschool that lets them play

A push-down curriculum isn’t helping kids to get ahead, it’s simply ignoring the critical role of the foundation. #play #DAP #parenting #pushdown #teaching #learning

Creative metaphors of life experiences seen in play therapy

Metaphors allow the child to protect the self and project the experience onto another object which is much less threatening. #play #playtherapy #fairytales
