For Your Binder

Preschool education: Go big or go home? Tennessee study calls benefit of public preschool into question

This article is in response to the release of some preliminary data for what is now known as the Vanderbilt Study (final results were released in early 2022).  Even then we could see what the results ended up actually indicating... that children need to #play 

#teaching #learning #DAP 

I have come to the frightening conclusion....

One of the best quotes ever for people working with young children. Take it to heart. Read it. Post it. Live it.   #theorists #musings

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiage Classrooms in the Era of NCLB Accountability

How can we reap the benefits of The Mix when 8 out of 10 teachers report being opposed to differentiated instruction?  #teaching #learning #mixedages

The role of doll play in language development

I happened upon this article while reading a newsletter that covers the happenings of the toy industry. The part that caught my eye was this: research found children talked more about others’ thoughts and emotions, a concept known as internal state language (ISL), when playing with dolls than while playing tablet games.  I mean we know this, right?!?  But I just love love love when someone does the math to prove it.  Access the full study here.   More fuel for our #play fire!  #toys #learning #DAP #screens #technology

The Colorado Paper

This was my first exposure to playwork as a "discipline" and seeing the playground as therapeutic space; as healing.  #playwork #play 

Scribble Samples

This link will take you to over 7000 archived samples of the various stages and styles of scribbling. See the column on the left? Click on "Introduction" and read how to search for something specific.   #art #creativity #DAP #scribbling

Behind the findings of the Tennessee pre-K study that found negative effects for graduates

After I read this one I wrote on the top of the page, first do no harm. We KNOW that #play is what needs to be happening.  Why do we (not present company "we" but I think you know what I mean!) insist on trying to get different results????  We (the same "we") must stop dismissing data because we don't like the results!  #DAP #teaching #learning #Vanderbilt #Tennessee

The Case for Play: How a handful of researchers are trying to save childhood

When we shortchange children's playtime in favor of "academics" we might actually be inhibiting their development. #play #pushdown #teaching #DAP #learning

Let Kids Play With Fire, and Other Rules for Good Parenting

A Q/A session with Gever Tulley, co-author of Fifty Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children Do  #risk #play #DAP #outside #parenting #teaching

Q/A with Paul Tough

This is a link to his site, scroll down to read the Q/A section for some background as to why he wrote How Children Succeed, 2012. #resilience #learning #teaching #DAP #play

Where are the people of color in children’s books? A retrospective.

The reason I used this link for you is because within it you will be able to access a few other articles that give historical and more recent (2014) context to this ongoing topic. The other reason is because this website as a whole is a fantastic resource for making sure your book area is providing windows, sliding glass doors and mirrors for everyone! #books #stories #DAP #language #literacy #equity #diversity #teaching #learning #reading

Early Childhood Art Education: A palimpsest

Learning to blur the boundaries between facilitating and instigating in an attempt to define how to teach, without teaching. #art #creativity #teaching #learning
