For Your Binder
Lack of free play among children is causing harm, say experts
In this brief update from Boston College, guest editor Peter Gray gives an overview of the articles appearing in the August 2011 issue of The American Journal of Play in which he had a few pieces. #play #teaching #learning #parenting
5 Benefits of Mixed-Age Classrooms in Preschool
A good overview of the benefits of The Mix, but the reason it's here is for the modified image of Vygotsky's ZPD, which I really liked! #teaching #learning #theorists #mixedages #DAP
All rigor and no play is no way to improve learning
At the heart of this zero-sum game are assumptions that rigorous content requires work, while play is frivolous. #teaching #learning #DAP #play
Let's Stop Talking About The '30 Million Word Gap'
Here are six things to know about the 30 million word gap. #learning #teaching #parenting #DAP
Play Based Learning
A resource from a college in Canada, this document provides a nice overview of play based learning, how to talk about it and facilitate it. #play #teaching #learning
The Death of Recess in America
Some claim we are in the middle of an ADHD epidemic.... do the kids need more drugs? Or more recess? #recess #play #teaching #learning #outside #movement
The Vital Importance of a Strong Foundation: Why early learning matters
In this Not Just Cute blog post, author Amanda Morgan taps into the house metaphor I use in my PLAY book and uses true-to-life language (they were building a home at the time) that invokes both literal and figurative images of the importance of a strong foundation! #play #DAP #teaching #learning #parenting
Conceptual split? Parents' and experts' perceptions of play in the 21st century
What say you mom?!?!!? #DAP #play #parenting #teaching #learning
The Benefits of Mixed-Age Grouping
A nice overview of Lilian Katz' book, The Case for Mixed-Age Grouping in Early Education, 1990, if you have not yet read it! #DAP #learning #teaching #mixedages
Play Therapy Themes
Wondering how play therapists choose materials?? #DAP #play #playtherapy
Nursery University: a reaction piece
I watched the film Nursery University back in 2011. It highlights a few NYC families and their stressful attempts to frantically get their children into the “right” preschool/nursery school. Here is a link to the trailer. My reaction comments are here as well. #pushdown #parenting #play #teaching #learning
Why LGBTQ Identity Labels Are Important
You can never go wrong by using the words someone has asked you to use for them. #equity #gender #teaching #learning