For Your Binder
Education’s Rotten Apples
The bad stuff has to go away for the good stuff to work. #DAP #teaching #learning
An experimental study of the effects of autonomy support on preschoolers' self-regulation
Autonomy is defined as a form of voluntary action (read: choice), stemming from a person’s interest and with no external pressure. When teachers support autonomy, students improve their academic performance, are more creative, better adjusted & feel less stress. But what about at home? Does parental support of autonomy influence the development of executive function and self-regulation skills? #DAP #parenting #learning #teaching
Hand-Clap Songs Across the Curriculum
While I am not sure you will need to plan a hand-clap lesson, the first part of the article provides a nice quick overview of some of the history of hand-clap games as well as connection between hand-clap songs and literacy. #DAP #play #recess #songs #playground
Sensory-Motor Reading Readiness for School
Dr. Johnson has seen children diagnosed with AD/HD or learning disabilities “miraculously” improve when they are taken out of “academic” kindergartens or given an extra year in a developmental kindergarten that emphasizes movement, play, and the integration of their sensory-motor systems. #DAP #play #teaching #learning #movement #reading #writing
Does early reading instruction help reading in the long-term? A review of empirical evidence
In a nutshell - nope. Read it anyway and get the details! #DAP #teaching #learning #reading #play
What can't be a toy?
Is a toy ever not a toy? What makes something a toy? Once a toy, can it lose it's "toy" status? #play #toys
An assignment to rethink the idea of homework
If you're doing homework you aren't riding your bike, not reading for pleasure - and those things are just as important! #homework #teaching #learning #play
Monkey Bars Are a Menace! They broke my daughter’s arm. Why are they still around?
Short of cocooning our darlings in bubble wrap, nothing’s going to keep them completely safe. #play #outside #risk #movement #parenting #teaching #playgrounds
End Homework Now
Educators should stop squeezing time out of family life for the questionable benefits of homework. #homework #teaching #learning
The Having of Wonderful Ideas
An excerpt from her book of essays of the same title, it'll whet your whistle and make you realize you need to get the book! #DAP #teaching #learning #theorists
The Human Nature of Teaching Part I: Ways of Teaching That We Share With Other Animals. What can we learn from animals by watching them teach?
Part I in a series by Peter Gray. He says his goal for the series is to examine teaching from the ground up. He starts here by defining teaching and presents evidence that teaching occurs in at least some non-human animals. An examination of teaching in other species may lead to insights that will be useful for understanding teaching in our species. #teaching #learning #DAP #play