For Your Binder
Do Preschool Teachers Value Block Play?
Get a bigger carpet! I'm making a track!!! In this session Lisa gives an overview of her masters thesis! #blocks #play #DAP #theorists #handouts
Improving Children’s Health through Play: Exploring Issues and Recommendations
This report is a collaboration between the Alliance for Childhood and the US Play Coalition acknowledging that while play is making a come-back, we still need rapid, wide-spread progress to avoid additional suffering from play deprivation and to heal children already suffering from it. #play #DAP #playwork #outside #movement #recess
Human Nature of Teaching II: How hunter-gatherers taught without coercion.
This is Part II in a series by Peter Gray. In Part I Gray defined teaching - here in Part II he examines teaching as it occurs, or occurred, in hunter-gatherer bands. #play #teaching #learning #DAP
A Brief History of Blocks
This used to be part of the supplementary handouts for the Meet the Masters workshop which is being edited to present a more accurate (and diverse) time line of ECE influencers. The info is now embedded in the block play workshop. Regardless, it is a good stand alone resource if you'd like a quick crash course in the history of the blocks you probably have in your program! #blocks #theorists #play #handouts #teaching
How Creativity Flourishes Through Play & Why It Matters
I've included this resource mainly for the image you'll see when you click the link (although it's not an off-base blog post by any means!) I wanted you to see Mitch Resnick's Creative Learning Spiral without (full disclosure: forgive me) all of the MIT tech speak, including descriptions of the technologies he's created, that usually fill the articles that contain the image. I love this image. I also believe when children are playing they tap into this cycle of creativity without needing to scratch any crickets. #play #DAP #creativity
The public playground paradox: "child's joy" or heterotopia of fear?
Is the playground a community within a community? How do we familiarize children with their community while also making sure the community is familiar with children, their presence and their play? #playgrounds #play #outside
Play Types (poster)
Here is a link from the Play Scotland website to a graphic of all of the play types as identified by Bob Hughes! #play #playwork
Technology Redefined, or maybe just clarified
I believe that by clarifying definitions we can show that children can be provided “opportunities to interact with technology” without having to plug anything in. #play #DAP #teaching #learning #technology #screens
5 Benefits of Mixed-Age Classrooms in Preschool
A good overview of the benefits of The Mix, but the reason it's here is for the modified image of Vygotsky's ZPD, which I really liked! #teaching #learning #theorists #mixedages #DAP
Four new tools for building your child-guidance skills
A little shameless plug here! In the summer of 2020 the Texas Child Care Quarterly published four book reviews and I was honored to see that my book, Lisa Murphy on... Being Child Centered was one of the ones they included! This link will take you to all four - mine is the last one. #teaching #learning #environment #press #play