For Your Binder

Multi-Age Groupings in Early Childhood Education: The affordances and opportunities of a multi-age child care model

You'll need to restock your ink and paper if you like to print things out. It'll be worth it!  #mixedages #learning #teaching #DAP

Learning Trajectories in Early Mathematics – Sequences of Acquisition and Teaching

We are moving towards understanding - not moving through curriculum!  #math #DAP #teaching #learning

New research finds “Magic 8” preschool classroom practices

This was one of the articles that emerged after the 2015 release of the preliminary results of the (now) oft quoted Vanderbilt Study. #teaching #learning #play #DAP #Tennessee #Vanderbilt

Culturally Inclusive and Contextually Appropriate Instructional Practices: Rethinking pedagogical perspectives, practices, policies and experiences in ECE programs

This was the intro piece to a special edition of the Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 34:1, 2-5. Questions to ask regarding our own practice: Is it culturally appropriate? Is it contextually appropriate? And, is it child appropriate? This special edition invites educators to consider local cultures and contexts while designing experiences for young children.  What might work in classroom B might NOT work in classroom E! More rationale as to why we must continually reflect on our practice!!!  #teaching #DAP #diversity #learning #equity

Why LGBTQ Identity Labels Are Important

You can never go wrong by using the words someone has asked you to use for them.  #equity #gender #teaching #learning

Ten Little Hotdogs Fryin' in the Whaaaa???

How many songs do you know??? Memorize them memorize them memorize them!  Need assistance?  Search Lisa's YouTube to watch the ones you need and want to learn!  #songs #singing #music #handouts

Want to watch the whole workshop?  Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

I have come to the frightening conclusion....

One of the best quotes ever for people working with young children. Take it to heart. Read it. Post it. Live it.   #theorists #musings

The New Preschool is Crushing Kids: Young children are working more, but learning less

Kindergarten now serves as a gatekeeper, not a welcome mat, to elementary school. #play #pushdown #teaching

The Apple Demo

This handout will teach YOU how to do The Apple Demo with a group! Why is it important? It is a very very strong visual exercise that reinforces the importance of the real in early childhood environments - NOT dittos NOT worksh*ts NOT flashcards! Memorize the steps and then take your audience through the different ways children might experience an apple. This is a great activity to do with parents at back to school night!  #handouts #DAP #teaching #learning #play #pushdown #parenting

Missed seeing Lisa demo this one? Maybe want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

The Right to Play

Withholding recess for punishment is counterintuitive because the students who have trouble sitting still or being quiet are often the ones who would benefit the most from some free time to move around and regain their focus. #teaching #learning #recess #DAP #play #outside #movement #equity

Getting Pre-K Right: The Iceberg Model for Early Developmental Competencies

This article was written by the lead researcher in what is simply referred to now as "The #Vanderbilt Study" - in it she reminds us that greater focus on academics for three and four year olds is not the solution. Her metaphor of an iceberg is a powerful visual; the tip of the iceberg are things we can see (read: measure) like ABCs and 123s, but what is below the surface?  What has actually made these other things visible? Curiosity, persistence, self-control... and when are those skills developed? When children #play !!!!!  #Tennessee #DAP #teaching #learning #environment #pushdown

Being active in play environments: The key to children’s health and wellbeing

It's important to make sure neighborhoods have diverse environmental qualities that encourage children & caregivers to stay physically active, meet friends and connect with the natural environment.  #play #outside #movement 
