For Your Binder

The real reason children fidget - and what we can do about it

This is a fantastic SPOT ON 7 minute Ted Talk video with Balanced and Barefoot author, Angela Hanscom, that concisely sums up WHY children need to move and HOW to go about making sure they do! But don't just watch it and agree with it, DO IT! #play #outside #movement #recess #risk #resilience #teaching #learning #nature

Q/A with Paul Tough

This is a link to his site, scroll down to read the Q/A section for some background as to why he wrote How Children Succeed, 2012. #resilience #learning #teaching #DAP #play

Michael Mendizza (website)

If you have not heard of him I encourage you to spend some time investigating his website for more resources, courses you can take, interviews, articles... #DAP #play #learning #teaching #relationships #care

Culturally Inclusive and Contextually Appropriate Instructional Practices: Rethinking pedagogical perspectives, practices, policies and experiences in ECE programs

This was the intro piece to a special edition of the Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 34:1, 2-5. Questions to ask regarding our own practice: Is it culturally appropriate? Is it contextually appropriate? And, is it child appropriate? This special edition invites educators to consider local cultures and contexts while designing experiences for young children.  What might work in classroom B might NOT work in classroom E! More rationale as to why we must continually reflect on our practice!!!  #teaching #DAP #diversity #learning #equity

The American Journal of Play

You can access the articles within The American Journal of Play free online or pay a nominal fee and have the journal mailed to you. The journal started in 2008 and is a scholarly yet accessible resource for your next college paper, deep dive into a specific interest area, or to show the wolves that, Yes Virginia, we are a scholarly profession!  And BONUS!  There is a search function within the journal section so you can drill down and get exactly what you were looking for! #play #teaching #learning #DAP

Building gross motor skills and why it matters

A short article that includes 10 ideas for large and gross motor skill development in young children! #DAP #play #movement #outside #teaching #learning 

The Importance of Art to the Development of the Whole Child

From the opening, "art is an essential experience for children but it is one that is often hijacked by adults..."  YES YES YES! and, I'd add, not only hijacked, but then folded, spindled and mutilated into a craptivity that does nothing for a child's developing creativity! This one is essential for the #create section of your binder! #art #process #creativity

The Tennessee Pre-K Debate: Spinach Vs. Easter Grass

Another great article from when the preliminary Vanderbilt Study data was released (2015). The quote that caught everyone'e eye:  "It's like saying spinach is really good for you," Farran says, "but we can't afford spinach. But here, I've got this Easter grass. Maybe that will be just as good."  

Ouch. #DAP #play #learning #teaching #Vanderbilt #Tennessee

Monkey Bars Are a Menace! They broke my daughter’s arm. Why are they still around?

Short of cocooning our darlings in bubble wrap, nothing’s going to keep them completely safe. #play #outside #risk #movement #parenting #teaching #playgrounds

The Double-edged Sword of Pedagogy: Instruction limits spontaneous exploration and discovery

How does teaching impact exploration and discovery??? #teaching #learning 

The First Ten Gifts

I bet you are familiar with some of the gifts even if you aren't familiar with Froebel! This was one of the supplementary handouts to the "Masters" workshop which is currently being revised to be more diverse so it's not just a parade of dead white guys. #theorists #handouts 

Missed the older version of the workshop? (It's still accurate, just not as inclusive as it needs to be) Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

Reading Instruction in Kindergarten: Little to gain and much to lose

There is no evidence that teaching children to read in PreK will help them be better readers in the long-run.  So how and when did we start thinking that it would? #play #pushdown #DAP #teaching #learning #reading
