For Your Binder
5 Benefits of Mixed-Age Classrooms in Preschool
A good overview of the benefits of The Mix, but the reason it's here is for the modified image of Vygotsky's ZPD, which I really liked! #teaching #learning #theorists #mixedages #DAP
Play Types (poster)
Here is a link from the Play Scotland website to a graphic of all of the play types as identified by Bob Hughes! #play #playwork
Let the Playing Commence! A Tribute to Bev Bos
The author shares 14 key "Bev" phrases that will forever be burned in her brain! #play #teaching #learning
Disrupting assumptions of risky play in the context of structural marginalization: A community engagement project in a Canadian inner-city neighbourhood
This link will bring you to a very generous "snippets of the paper" page, it includes more than just the abstract though and some of you might have institutional access to the full study. There has been little exploration into risky play in the context of urban neighborhoods so this study does just that. Not surprisingly, the study finds that there are enormous inequities in the distribution of wealth within cities which directly and indirectly impact outdoor play and hoe play spaces are maintained. #play #outside #risk #environment #equity
Rough and Tumble Play
This is a link to a nice (yet brief) overview of the benefits of rough and tumble play. BONUS! There are some great resources listed at the end, including a few YouTube videos! #play #DAP #powerplaying
The Many Modes of Experience and Learning: The grandmasters of ECE
A brief peek into Comenius, Locke, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel, Steiner, Montessori, Freud, Erickson and Piaget. Bringing together the WHAT the WHY and the HOW. #learning #teaching #theorists
The Role Of Play in Promoting Children's Positive Approaches to Learning
How children learn is just as important as what they learn! #play #learning #teaching #DAP
The Having of Wonderful Ideas
An excerpt from her book of essays of the same title, it'll whet your whistle and make you realize you need to get the book! #DAP #teaching #learning #theorists
A Tale of Two Pandemics: how will COVID-19 and global trends in physical inactivity and sedentary behavior affect one another?
Is COVID-19 making us move even less than we were before? #recess #play #movement #covid #outside #DAP
From the Panopticon to Disney World: the Development of Discipline
If consensual control is embedded in the design, maybe Disney order might be so Mickey Mouse after all! #panopticon
The Underestimation of America's Preschool Teachers
It's hard for some to think that working with littles is just as complex as working with olders because historically we have implied that anyone can do it. #teaching #learning #care #relationships