For Your Binder

Hand Strength: 35 Fun Activities for Kids

Remember, these are in addition to all those big juicy large motor verbs that are crucial if you want strong hands in the first place!  #DAP #teaching #learning #movement #writing

The Pyramid Model and Trauma Informed Care: A guide for early childhood professionals to support young children's resilience

A 2018 study estimated that 33.3% of all children were exposed to at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE). ACEs include abuse, household challenges, neglect, drug use or mental illness in the house, parental separation or divorce, incarcerated family members and witnessing domestic violence.  It's important to note that adversity isn't limited to these categories;  housing insecurity, racism, medical trauma, natural disasters and, I would add COVID all can contribute to a child experiencing trauma as a result of the stress of these examples of adversity.  This booklet provides a general over view of trauma and behavior, what ECEs need to know about trauma, how ECEs can promote resilience, understanding trauma informed care, and the intersection between disparity, equity and trauma.  #trauma #ACES #equity #care

No Dentist Left Behind

Here's the backstory: The author, John Taylor, is a retired superintendent of schools in Lancaster, S.C., he offered this history about the essay he wrote while leading that district:  

The parody was originally titled "Absolutely the Best Dentists."  It was written and sent to every newspaper and legislator in South Carolina a number of years ago in an attempt to point out the absurdities inherent in South Carolina's then new accountability act which was focused on absolute performance and threatened retention for every child who couldn't meet very challenging grade level standards. (Not to mention severe penalties for "poorly performing" schools, teachers and administrators.) Since then it has traveled widely to the point that I have not been able to keep up with the uses; but I know it has appeared in teacher association publications in at least three Canadian Provinces and in Australia, as well as dozens in the USA. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) seems to have given the story a new life.  Thus: No Dentist Left Behind.

#pushdown #DAP #play #teaching #learning

Can the Right Kinds of Play Teach Self-Control?

This article initially caught my eye because it contains one of my favorite words, but used it in a sentence with a phrase that gave me pause; self control? I used up two pens and a few highlighters keeping track of my reactions and comments to this one. Spoiler alert: verbiage verbiage verbiage! definitions definitions definitions!  It's rather dated, so take some of it with a few extra grains of salt. Also, is Eleanor Duckworth on your radar???   #play #DAP #teaching #learning

Government Watchdog Finds Racial Bias in School Discipline

Black students were the only race where both boys and girls were disproportionately disciplined across six disciplinary actions examined, which included corporal punishment, in- and out-of-school suspensions, expulsions and school-related arrests. #implicitbias #teaching #expulsion #equity

Purple Hair I Don't Care!

Let's stop using personal preferences as a measurement tool of "professionalism." #teaching 

A Path Made in the Walking

How might forest schools differ from location to location? This report looks at forest schools in Norway and England. #play #nature #outside #forestschools #teaching #learning 

Hidden Meanings in Children's Fairy Tales

Many important issues can be worked out through argument and conflict.  #fairytales #books #stories #reading 

On the Importance of Fairy Tales: Should we continue to read these frightening stories to our children?

This remains my go-to rationale as to why my forever answer to this ongoing question will be a resounding and unyielding, YES. #fairytales #stories #reading #books

The need for pretend play in child development

Imaginative play has been identified as a vital component to a child's development. #play #DAP  #learning 

Learning Trajectories in Early Mathematics – Sequences of Acquisition and Teaching

We are moving towards understanding - not moving through curriculum!  #math #DAP #teaching #learning

When Children Are Not Read to at Home: The Million Word Gap

Conclusion?  Home-based shared book reading represents an important resource for closing the word gap. This is a link to the study. #parenting #teaching #learning #books #stories #DAP #reading 
