For Your Binder

Teacher Memories: Support or Hindrance to Good Practice?

Are our elementary school memories influencing how we are doing early childhood even though (we know) many of those practices are not developmentally appropriate? #DAP #teaching #learning

Play & Ambiguity

Might some of the chaos found in the study of play theory be due to the lack of clarity about the popular cultural rhetorics that underlie the various play theories and play terms?    This link will take you to a stand alone chapter (written by Sutton-Smith) of The Game Design Reader:  A Rules of Play Anthology by Katie Salen & Eric Zimmerman, 2006.  If Sutton-Smith is new to you, this will be a good warm-up before you dive into his 1997 classic, The Ambiguity of Play.   #play #theorists

Analyzing Children's Art

This link provides two excerpts from Rhoda Kellogg's book, Analyzing Children's Art as well as six related resources, also by Kellogg. #art #creativity #scribbling

Circles Are For Squares! Making Time for Books and Stories!

The title has changed over the years but the message hasn't - why do we continue to interrupt engaged children to come to a meeting???  #books #stories #play #teaching #handouts

Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

Improve Your Vocabulary With the “Wheel of Feelings”

I still believe it all comes back to either Love or Fear (meaning anything other than "love" has it's origin in "fear") but this might assist as we identify how fear might be manifesting. #DAP #teaching #learning 

This is Play

Playing is a paradoxical form of communication: the dog approaches you; he puts his teeth on your arm but he is also wagging his tail. You let him do this because you know the dog is playing.  How do you know this?  #play 

The New Preschool is Crushing Kids: Young children are working more, but learning less

Kindergarten now serves as a gatekeeper, not a welcome mat, to elementary school. #play #pushdown #teaching

Leave Those Kids Alone: Childhood is more than merely a springboard to adulthood

Childhood should be a deep well, full of rich, individual perceptions and experience to which you can return for sustenance throughout life.  #play

The perils of "Growth Mindset" education: Why we're trying to fix our kids when we should be fixing the system

How a promising but oversimplified idea caught fire, then got coopted by conservative ideology. #teaching

Strategies for Working with Mixed-Age Groups in Early Childhood Education

Grouping children in narrow age cohorts is a fairly new practice! #mixedages #teaching #learning #DAP

When Children Are Not Read to at Home: The Million Word Gap

Conclusion?  Home-based shared book reading represents an important resource for closing the word gap. This is a link to the study. #parenting #teaching #learning #books #stories #DAP #reading 

Play as a Social Justice Issue in Early Childhood Education

This link will bring you to a Master's Thesis from a Bank Street student. In it she explores (the lack of) play as a social justice issue. "Helping low income kids" often gets translated into "eliminating play" and we know this flies smack in the face of what the research (which she does a fantastic job reviewing!) tells us should be happening for all children regardless of socio-economic status. The paper is informative; her references are invaluable.  #DAP #play #equity #teaching #learning
