For Your Binder
Your Image of the Child: Where Teaching Begins
The school we are talking about is not the school you are familiar with in the past, but it is something that you can hope for. #teaching #learning #theorists
Is play a privilege or a right? And what’s our responsibility? On the role of play for equity in early childhood education
Although the rest of the world has ratified Article 31 of the United Nations Rights of the Child which declares that play is the right of all children, the USA has yet to do so. This article rejects play as a privilege and instead supports it as a matter of equity. #play #equity #teaching
What if Today Was Their Only Day?
If tomorrow was someone's first last and only day in your program.... what would they remember and how were you a part of that???? #handouts #teaching
Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool
Why Attachment Parenting Is Not the Same as Secure Attachment
In my infant workshops I often remind the audience that attachment parenting (as a style) is different than understanding the theory of attachment. This article, which successfully outlines the differences between the two, is one of the best I have ever read. Additionally, in an age/stage format, it provides a sidebar overview of what secure attachment looks like. Whether you are working with 0-3 age group or not, this is a very important article to have at your fingertips! #DAP #teaching #learning #parenting #relationships #zerotothree
The nesting instinct
Building a den is great for encouraging children's imagination and reinforces their sense of self. But sometimes one of the great pleasures of childhood has to be relearned. #dens #forts #outside #play #environments
First Days of Preschool
The first days of preschool can be stressful for everyone. In this short but helpful article, Lillian Katz offers a few ideas that might assist both parents and teachers. #environment #learning #teaching #relationships #care
The Underestimation of America's Preschool Teachers
It's hard for some to think that working with littles is just as complex as working with olders because historically we have implied that anyone can do it. #teaching #learning #care #relationships
Where are the people of color in children’s books? A retrospective.
The reason I used this link for you is because within it you will be able to access a few other articles that give historical and more recent (2014) context to this ongoing topic. The other reason is because this website as a whole is a fantastic resource for making sure your book area is providing windows, sliding glass doors and mirrors for everyone! #books #stories #DAP #language #literacy #equity #diversity #teaching #learning #reading
Articles, FAQs, Activities & Courses for Teachers
Whether you are looking to teach yourself or others, this is a valuable resource you will want to have at the ready! #equity #gender #teaching #learning
Play Power: How to Turn Around Our Creativity Crisis
You don't solve oil spills with multiple choice answers! The future favors the flexible! #play #resilience #teaching #learning #creativity
Disclosure: Depending on how often you find yourself on The Atlantic you might (or might not) need to start a free subscription to access this one.
Ooey Gooey® Squishy Plop! Sensory Play for Every Day!
This is the one that started it all! This handout is not only full of art, science & sensory recipes and activity ideas, it's got the words to tell the wolves for you too! You know, the folks who barge in and want to know what everyone is learning and what standard you are meeting!! #handouts #play #sensory #science #DAP #art #teaching
Need more ideas? Lisa has 3 other activity focused books!
Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool
Setting up a Process-Oriented Classroom: Learning from the Journey in a "Yes-Environment"
Getting closer to YES! #teaching #learning #art #creativity #play