For Your Binder

Purple Hair I Don't Care!

Let's stop using personal preferences as a measurement tool of "professionalism." #teaching 

Reading Instruction in Kindergarten: Little to gain and much to lose

There is no evidence that teaching children to read in PreK will help them be better readers in the long-run.  So how and when did we start thinking that it would? #play #pushdown #DAP #teaching #learning #reading

Let's Go Outside! Outside time is not wasted time!

When you attend this session Lisa will show you a slide show of things to "do" on the yard, playground or at the park! The best thing about it is that you probably already have all of the things in the garage or the shed!  What would happen if you stayed outside all day?????  #handout #outside #play #DAP #teaching #recess

Missed the workshop? Want to watch it again? Got a DVD player? Lisa has DVDs of all her workshops! #oldschool  

Four new tools for building your child-guidance skills

A little shameless plug here! In the summer of 2020 the Texas Child Care Quarterly published four book reviews and I was honored to see that my book, Lisa Murphy on... Being Child Centered was one of the ones they included!  This link will take you to all four - mine is the last one.  #teaching #learning #environment #press #play 

On Becoming a Reflective Teacher

Your values will inform your practice.  Read this, then read it again.  #teaching #learning

J.R.R. Tolkien on Fairy Tales, Language, the Psychology of Fantasy, and Why There’s No Such Thing as Writing “For Children”

Authors write. Who the work is deemed "for" is on us. #fairytales #books #stories #reading

The Playwork Primer

A wonderful introduction to playwork as well as some key concepts and phrases. It also provides an overview of the play types as identified by Bob Hughes as well as tons of resources & notes at the end.  It might only be 20 some-odd pages, but for a small little book, it packs a punch!  #playwork #DAP #play #teaching #learning

The Healing Power of Play: Therapeutic Work with Chronically Neglected and Abused Children

This is one of the most bittersweet pieces I've ever read.  It will break your heart and yet show you how to repair it all at the same time. Read: the pure power of PLAY.  #play #playwork #teaching #learning

The Play Cycle Observation Method (PCOM): A Pilot Study

This pilot study of the Play Cycle Observation Method (PCOM) provides a method to record the process of play as outlined by Sturrock and Else (1998) in the aforementioned Colorado Paper.  #play #playwork

Preschool Is School, Sometimes

The uneven distribution of high-quality early education classrooms in the United States reflects several factors. The author lists four of them for you!  #teaching #learning #DAP

Day care or preschool? It's not just semantics

An unfortunate side effect of the growing recognition of the early years as learning years is that some people get hyperactive about it.  #parenting #learning #teaching #DAP #care #relationships

How Kids Learn Resilience

This article is adapted from Paul Tough's 2016 book, Helping Children Succeed: What works and why  #teaching #learning #DAP #resilience #play
